NOTICe is shorthand for the North Old Town Independent Citizens’ Association of Alexandria, Va. It was established to educate and inform the residents of North Old Town on matters of public interest, promote their interests and the welfare and common good of the neighborhood. 

Question: Eighteen acres of the former PEPCO Power Plant in Old Town North along the Waterfront and Mt Vernon Trail have been sold to a development company, if elected your approval will be required for the site development plan. What do you want it to look like when done and what is your expectation of the public benefits of redeveloping this site?  How will you ensure those public benefits are realized for the residents of OTN and the people of Alexandria?

The Potomac River Waterfront is Alexandria’s greatest asset. Unlike our neighbors upstream or down, we have direct access to the water. It is phenomenal, and it is something that we must accentuate and make increasingly accessible with any adjacent improvements.

The closing of the Mirant plant was something that my father worked very hard on when he served as Congressman of this region, and to see his vision nearing reality is a dream. I love seeing the plans that show it will be redeveloped with 98% of existing materials to be re-used. As a toxic brownfield and site that had for so long contaminated our community with pollution, I feel that it is only fitting that its new life offers a beacon of sustainability, incorporating the most progressive and sustainable practices.

As for use, in addition to the affordable housing that is already incorporated as part of the plan, I would like to see retail partners that fit gaps in what is currently accessible in Alexandria. I would like to see the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership target specific types of businesses that fit unmet demand in our community to further maximize the quality of life and support walkable communities for current residents of North Old Town, particularly for those who live on or around Slaters Lane and Bashford. While the redevelopment of the Giant/ABC was a great step in the right direction, there is a lot more that can be done. I would also love to see a flex space incorporated into the site that can be utilized as an incubator for entrepreneurs and small businesses, especially those who are working towards our green future.